I have decided I AM AWESOME!!!!...There is only one other guy that agrees with me and HE cuts me a whole lot of slack. Hint. Hint. I am not talking about my husband or son. I woke up this morning wanting to go somewhere...anywhere! So I woke the crew up fed them hungry bears some grub, packed drinks in a cooler, snack in a bag, and off we went. Keep in mind the days budget was $25 ish! Well what in the world can ya do with that piddlie amount? And why? Well the why part is simple...I'd like to have gas to go to church tomorrow, I need $32 for renewing my liscense on Monday and I need $50 to register my family a spot in the homeschool co-op on Monday! So not a lot of wiggle/entertainment funds available. Yes I could sit home and most day I do. I only go out for church on Sunday's and Wednesday's and for taking my children to their ususal Drs. appointments and to the grocery store once a month. So hush up... I wanted OUT of the house today!....
Now back to my AWESOMENESS... A friend gave us the heads up on a free childrens event and off we went. But first we dropped a box of books off at a used books bookstore for some store credit. Todays freebie was...an injury prevention fair. The kids saw the inside of a moble hospital unit, a medical helicopter in action...landing an all the works, got to jump in one of those bouncy things, and got to rub and pet a therapy dog . They even played frisbee with Snuffy James! That was the dogs name.. I had nothing to do with that name!...They got a quicky review on performing infant and child CPR, slurped down a free snow cone, picked up a bazillion coloring books regarding things like bike saftey and when to call 911, and...sweated to the near passing out stage! What more could a family of five want??? Oh and to boot we came home with 3 never ever gonna lose in the dark neon green back pack bags to carry stuffs in! Whoot whoot!!!..
This was a random day during the summer!!!......Random Saturday! And thank you again KH!!!
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